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Powerful Quotes
To Boost Your Success

Motivating, Empowering, Inspiring and Strengthening Quotes

Powerful Quotes for Today

1. You haven’t learned if you haven’t made changes to your life. 2. The proof of education is in a person’s tolerance. 3. ...

Powerful Quotes for Today

1. The strongest among our numbers is not the swiftest or most intelligent, but the one who responds well to change. 2. Our ...

Powerful Quotes for Today

1. People will know your character when they see how you handle difficult situations. 2. It is only the hobbyist that sits...

Powerful Quotes for Today

1. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your inner voice. 2. Success doesn't just appear, but it is the product...

Powerful Quotes for Today

1. Reputation is not as important as character. 2. There is too much to accomplish to spend your time dwelling on the past. 3....

Powerful Quotes for Today

1. The journey is not far but great and only meant for those who don't give up. 2. After every hardship and complexity is...

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